Welcome to the CCMR Shared Facilities
(August 2023) Thank you for your past use and support of the Facilities. Please continue to engage the expert CCMR staff and facilities in your ongoing research, as we look forward to serving you in the future.
If you have any questions or concerns about the facilities, please contact Dr. Jon Shu or me.
Best wishes,
Frank Wise
Director, Cornell Center for Materials Research
Our mission is to provide analytic resources for all researchers. We welcome the opportunity to accommodate anyone with a disability.
The CCMR Shared Facilities offers world-class materials analysis and processing equipment overseen by expert instrument managers. To see our instrumentation pages, please click on any of the User Instrument categories in the sidebar or use the search field in the top right of the window to look for a particular instrument or technique. It’s very easy to become a facility user and instrument operator. See ‘Becoming a CCMR Facility User’ in the sidebar.
If there is any capability you are not finding here, please visit the Materials Research Facilities Network which includes shared resources at similar research centers.
Feel free to ask questions or provide feedback to ccmr-facilities@cornell.edu, or to our Qualtrics online survey where feedback is anonymous.