May 19th, 2015 – CCMR Symposium
Frontiers in Polymer Synthesis:
Exploring New Opportunities for Structural Control and Applications of Functional Materials
The 2015 CCMR Symposium took place on May 19 on the Ithaca campus. It gathered 183 attendees from industry and academia. Representatives of nineteen companies networked with Cornell faculty and Symposium speakers and learned more about the materials research capabilities of Cornell University (Albany International, Benjamin Moore & Co., Corning, DuPont, Eastman Kodak, EMD Performance Materials (Gold Sponsor), Exxon Mobil, Globe Composite Solutions, Golden Artists Colors, Infineum, Michelin, Molaire Consulting, Novomer, Oratel Diagnostics, Pall Corporation, Penn Color, Sekisui, Solvay, and Xerox). Read more…